
Republic of Tatarstan

Republic of Tatarstan
AIRR member since 2010

Ranking 2nd in the rating of innovative regions of Russia (AIRR 2018)

Strategy of social-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period up to 2030

Tatarstan-2030 is a global competitive and sustainable region, a driver of the Volga-Kama growth pole. Tatarstan is a leader in the quality of interconnected development of human capital, institutions, infrastructure, economy, external integration (the axial Eurasian region of Russia) and internal space; a region with advanced development rates, high involvement in the international division of labor.

Strategic priority:

человеческий капитал
экономика и управление

67 836 km2
Total area
3 868 537 people
2 058 200 people
Economically active population